Innovative Product Go-to-Market Roadmap™

Our flagship consulting product, the Innovative Product Go-to-Market Roadmap™ is the time-proven strategic starting point for YOUR product launch.

Achieve product-market fit with laser-focused positioning. De-risk your product commercialization venture with insights into the competitive environment, leveraging the sharpest edge your product has. And mitigate risks and lurking threats you can’t see from the inside.

Harness Graphos’ decades of expertise as a product marketing consultancy — not just a marketing and branding agency — to create a Roadmap your team will learn from, lean on and value.

And launch with confidence, accountability and a bespoke step-by-step action plan! 

That’s why everything we do begins with strategy, and focuses on achieving measurable results. Our product marketing, strategy and product branding services are built around moving the needle for you, leveraging the latest product marketing tools and over three decades of product commercialization expertise.

Ready to start?

1. Discovery Workshops

• Requires all client decision-makers

• We gather the information we will need to craft your positioning and begin building your Roadmap

1-2 sessions / 2 hrs each

2. Roadmap Building

• Graphos Product strategy team conducts research & builds out the Roadmap & Action Plan

15-20 business days

3. Delivery Workshop

• Requires all client decision-makers

• We present your Roadmap and explain our findings & recommendations

2 hours minimum

Each Innovative Product Go-to-Market Roadmap™ is created uniquely for the product journey it guides.

Here are some of the components yours may include: 

Core Benefits Analysis

Communicate the most impactful ways the product will benefit customers (these are often not what product-makers think they are)

SWOT Analysis

Promote the product’s strengths, minimize the impact of weaknesses, aggressively tackle opportunities, and mitigate threats to success

Customer Success Hurdles

Recognize hurdles to new and ongoing customer success, and take action to overcome each one

The Elephant(s) in the Room

Recognize and articulate how the product is a clear standout in its market — and prepare to overcome the most significant barriers it will face as the newcomer

Designing a New Market Category

How to create a highly defensible market position in a new product category you strategically create — to dominate

Competing Options

Other ways customers can meet your product’s core needs, that compete for the same budget and place, and strategic recommendations to make your product clearly superior

Use Cases

Identifying specific cases in which your product can have an impact by performing high value Jobs for the customer


A proprietary Graphos Product tool: Understand and prioritize the product’s Customer Life Improving Mechanisms and Benefits by understanding the impact and buying triggers for each one

Asset Review & Recommendations

Overview and evaluation of existing assets such as online store, brand name(s), taglines, logo, presentation/sales decks and videos, with our recommendations to maximize value and optimize conversions

Jobs to be Done

Convey the Customer Jobs your product achieves; these are the principal motivations to clients who will use it to achieve specific goals


Identifying your product’s “secret sauce” in a highly meaningful context — especially for the buyers who will appreciate it most

Buyer Personas

Prioritize 1-3 motivated buyer types in order to focus resources on ideal buyers — and understand what triggers each to buy

Market Penetration Strategy

Understand audience prioritization based on logic, create early wins, and plan for strategic expansion

Pricing & Value Strategy

Recommendations for demonstrating value to justify a premium price and get traction, leveraging price anchoring and other proven techniques

Search Strategy

Understanding the difference between the language industry insiders use and what buyers look for, and bringing the two together powerfully

Differentiating in the Marketplace

Ensure customers see why your product is the best choice by managing their experience

Building Your Product’s Narrative

How and why storytelling will attract ideal buyers to remember your product, and visualize it improving their lives

Countering Feature Apathy

Getting past “So What?” when presenting the product’s unique benefits to cynical audiences

Recommended Launch Assets

Guidelines for photos, videos and other graphics you will need to ensure a well-rounded and diversified launch

Marketing Budget

Determining how much to invest in marketing the product launch, and when to scale up

Persona Targeted Messaging

Sample scripts and messaging designed to “poke the bruise” and trigger action from key buyer personas

Getting Discovered

Identify and optimize the best platforms and channels to connect with your best-fit audience

Implementation Plan

Overview of all components in your strategy and the roles to keep accountable for getting them done

Step-by-Step Action Plan

Take action to execute the strategy effectively, in a clear and logical order

Meetings are conducted remotely and we require direct input from your product team at our workshops and presentation.

Ready to start?

Mastering Product Success with the Innovative Product Go-To-Market Roadmap™

In the high-risk, dynamic world of product development, ensuring a successful market entry demands a strategic approach that goes beyond conventional tactics. Even for seasoned product makers and product marketers, the Innovative Product Go-To-Market Roadmap™ by Graphos Product offers a unique and original solution. This Go-To-Market (GTM) strategy is far from a boilerplate, cliche-ridden plan; it’s your bespoke, objective and comprehensive blueprint for product success.

The Innovative Product Go-To-Market Roadmap™ — The Shortest Path to Product Success

Graphos Product’s Innovative Product Go-To-Market Roadmap™ is your strategic gateway to launching a product that not only stands out but thrives in the market. It’s based on a process we’ve refined over decades of collaboration with busy product leaders from numerous sectors, consisting of three key steps:


Discovery Workshops: Your GTM Foundation

The journey starts with the Discovery Workshops, a crucial phase requiring the involvement of all client decision-makers.

Through one or two efficient sessions, we gather the essential information we will need to shape your product’s positioning and initiate the Roadmap development: information that can only be sourced from your team as the subject matter experts. This phase lays the foundation for the entire strategy and is supplemented by our research and analysis, which may include optional market surveys, focus groups and one-on-one persona interviews.


Roadmap Building: Crafting Your Path to Success

Once we have gathered those unique insights and details from your leadership and product teams, our experienced strategy team takes over.

Over the next 15-20 business days, we conduct thorough research and build out your personalized Roadmap and Action Plan. This is where the magic happens, as we craft your comprehensive guide to navigate the complexities and challenges of your product’s market entry.


Delivery Session: Your Roadmap Unveiled

In the final step, we present your GTM Roadmap, once again requiring the participation of all client decision-makers.

During this session, which lasts a minimum of two hours (and generally a little longer, as we have a lot to cover), we explain our findings and recommendations, ensuring your team is aligned and fully prepared to embark on this exciting journey.

Our comprehensive and efficient approach ensures your product is not just launched in a flurry of high-fives ( too often followed by a flurry of chirping crickets) but strategically guided towards success, with product flying out the door. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, CMO, product maker or product manager, your GTM Roadmap equips you with the knowledge, accountability and confidence needed for a successful product launch, in a beautifully designed, easy-to-read and sharable deck format.

An Inspiring, Pragmatic Approach to GTM

Your team members and stakeholders have grown to despise cliches and resent AI-generated content — and the Innovative Product Go-To-Market Roadmap™ offers a dynamic, data-driven, and fully original approach that guides your product through every phase of the launch. Our aim is not just to be complete and authoritative, but to be interesting and extremely helpful in moving the needle. Your Roadmap empowers your product development, customer experience and marketing teams to make informed decisions and execute your GTM strategy with incredible precision.

Ready to embark on the path to product success? Complete our brief Pre-Intake Questionnaire now, and let’s start this exciting journey together!

Each step of the Innovative Product Go-To-Market Roadmap™ is designed to equip your product marketing team with a competitive edge, ensuring your product enters the market not just confidently but intelligently and creatively.